Aquatic Center Information
Winter 2023 – The Pool Company has begun tile work around the pools. The garage doors are being installed.
Fall 2023 – We are making great progress on the interior of the Sprung building. The concrete footings are shaping up nicely. We are also installing the water trenches around the pools. The Pool Company will come soon to do the tiling before we pour the concrete. The garage doors will be in place shortly.
June 2023 – The Sprung building is almost complete. The Spring has been a windy and wet one but they persevered and overcome those delays. The Board is getting bids for overhead doors to completely enclose the pools and then the Pool Company will come back out and finish the pool deck and tile later this summer. See the Phase IV – Sprung Build page on our website for more details on this phase of construction. Stay tuned for what’s next on the WECRD Aquatic Center construction.
March 2023 – Sprung construction is beginning this month. Gravity Contractors is working with Wright Brothers and the Sprung tech consultant to put this building up. Hopefully the weather cooperates and everyone will see the aluminum substructure going up.
January 2023 – The Sprung phase of construction was slated to begin this month, however, with the concerns of weather the Board and team have decided to wait until March. We are eager to begin this phase and see vertical lift.
October 2022 – Sunroc has been on site doing some clean-up. The Board and Foundation went out and cleared some of the weeds on site. The contractors were ready to roll with the Sprung build, however, we had a scheduling mix up with the Sprung Technical Consultant so now we are scheduled to begin in December. We are just as anxious as the community to see this building go up. Hopefully old man winter won’t be too hard on us and we can cruise through the build!
Aug/Sept 2022 – The District negotiated a contract with Wright Brothers, TBC and Gravity Contractors for the stand-up of the Sprung building. Sunroc will finish grub and grade of the site to prepare for the stand-up. Preconstruction meetings are being held and the schedule is being coordinated between Sunroc, Gravity, and the Sprung technical consultant. Once we have confirmed timelines there should be action on the property once again. Stay tuned!
Summer 2022- Phase III of the swimming pools is almost complete. Crews are waiting on the tile for the pool deck then Wright Brothers can complete the concrete work. The Sprung Structure has been delivered. Thanks to our Board VP, Lee Pierce for unloading ALL FOUR semi-trucks worth of material. What a task that was but he did it with so much ease! The District is contacting local construction companies to see if they would be interested in erecting the building. The National Guard was our original plan but due to time restraints and funding on their end they were unable to make it happen. Wright Brothers has been exceptional in working with us through all these roadblocks. The Foundation is working on a “GRAND 100” campaign to help raise the dollars needed to erect the structure. For information on how you can join the club click here. Thank you so much to those of you who have already joined!! We appreciate your support so much!
April 2022 – Construction is moving along now that the weather started cooperating. Since the last report crews have install the pool walls and gutters, built the concrete structure for the pump pit and surge tanks with lids, installed the pool piping in and out of surge tanks and pump pit, installed the slide footers and installed the storm drains. In the next few weeks crews will backfill and balance the lot and build the building pad, install the electrical home runs, install the building sewer main, install the building water main, dig the building footers, and begin forming and placing rebar for the building footers.
Happy New Year! It’s been a cold start to the year but our construction crews are able to stay busy with detail work and installing the surge tanks. When the weather warms up enough they will pour the concrete walls for both the lap pool and recreation pool. Luckily there have been no delays with construction and we are very impressed by Wright Brothers and The Pool Company. Over the last couple of weeks the Board approved the purchase of the Sprung structure, which is going to be manufactured over the next couple of months. Progress is being made! If you have any questions please call our office or attend a monthly Board meeting. The next one is scheduled for February 23 at 6pm at the WECRD office.
December 13, 2021 – The WECRD Board is excited to see the construction progress. Over the past couple of weeks the following works has been completed: 90% concrete forms for the walls and gutters, 95% of rebar tied for the walls and gutters, installation of pool light cans and conduit stubs, and survey and excavation for the slide footers. The future weeks include shotcrete the pool walls, survey and excavate surge tanks, sewer manhole and begin installation of underground surge tank and pump pit.
The Board also approved to put a deposit down on the Sprung structure and that was paid. The remaining balance is due at time of delivery.
November 8, 2021 – Concrete day!! There are 17 Idaho Materials concrete trucks coming and going on site today to pour the lap pool floor. It’s exciting to see progress being made! Stay tuned for more pictures.
November 1, 2021 – Progress update!! In the last two weeks The Pool Company and Wright Brothers, The Building Company have installed drain covers, installed rebar for the first pour of pool walls, installed a water barrier between pool floors and walls, bonded all pool rebar and metallic drain caps, and completed an electrical inspection regarding bonding. Two workdays were lost due to the massive amount of rain we had making the site extremely muddy. In the next couple of weeks they plan to pour the concrete floor in both pools, begin forming walls, and begin electrical rough-in for both pools.
October 18, 2021 – Progress report provided by Wright Brothers included work completed as of October 15, 2021. The work includes: excavation of the lap pool and recreation pool, installation of a dewatering system for the lap pool, placing fabric and washed rock, installation of drains and associated piping below pool floors, pressure testing all drain piping, forming of pool floors, and installation of rebar for the floor of the lap pool. Within the next few weeks they plan to pour the concrete floor for the lap pool and recreation pool, form the walls for both pools, and begin electrical rough-in for the pools.
September 29, 2021 – By now you have probably seen some large dirt piles around the property and one really deep hole in the ground! Sunroc and Wright Brothers, The Building Company have been excavating and moving dirt to prepare for The Pool Company crew to move in and begin building the floor and walls of the lap pool and recreation pool. The supplier for the perforated piping that is needed for the bottom of the pools was delayed so there was a stall in this phase but as of today they are back up and running since the material has arrived! We have some visitors coming tomorrow, September 30th, from Sprung Structures to see the progress on site and have a meeting with the Board. We will begin getting weekly progress reports and updated timelines so watch for those so you can keep up with our progress of the aquatic center!!
This was a momentous day for the WECRD Board of Directors as we celebrated breaking ground on Phase III of the aquatic center. The Board is embarking on a $3.4 million dollar construction project that includes the excavation of the lap pool and recreation pool, concrete foundations, and all subfloor/underground utilities. Wright Brothers, our construction company, estimates this phase to take 8 months (weather permitting of course!). Once this phase is complete the foundations will be in place for National Guard IRT (Innovative Readiness Program) military members to erect the Sprung structure, which is an excellent training for the National Guard. Stay tuned as we update our progress throughout the remaining of this year and into 2022. This is such an exciting time!!
Pictured from left to right: Patti Ferrell, Chamber of Commerce Board President; Marsha Sellers, Past WECRD Board President; Scott Wendell, Lombard Conrad Architects; Lee Pierce, WECRD Board Vice-President; Doug Meyer, WECRD Board Member; Dan Gillies, WECRD Board President.
June 2021 – The Board approved to move forward with Phase III which consists of all work to the top of finished floor. The cost for this phase is $3.4 million. This cost does not include the Sprung structure which is an additional $1.25 million. Phase III will take approximately 8 months to complete. In January 2022, the Board will look at purchasing the Sprung structure and once its fabricated it will be delivered to Mountain Home and hopefully be ready to erect in the Spring. Our goal is to have the National Guard (IRT program) erect this structure, which fits their timeline as well as one of their top training priorities since these structures are built by the National Guard for deployment missions all the time. We are currently working on getting this approved through the IRT application process. Stay tuned for a groundbreaking ceremony and construction to begin!!
Spring/Summer 2021 – WECRD is updating the construction plans from IBC 2015 to IBC 2018 per the adopted codes set in place January 2021 by the City of Mountain Home. Once these plans are updated the WECRD can go out for bid for the next phase of construction. This phase consists of all work to the top of finished floor. The erection of the Sprung structure is separate from this scope of work and will hopefully fit the timeline for the National Guard to come out and erect it. Our goal is to have this all complete by the end of 2021. Other work includes the creek bed clean-up project that is being completed by the National Guard IRT Program.
Fall/Winter 2020 – Punchlist items from Phase II were ongoing during this time. So was brainstorming and discussions regarding the next phase of construction. With the help of the IRT program we hope to begin the next phase Spring 2021. Stay tuned for the notification of bid packages and next steps for construction. One very exciting thing that happened was Marsha Sellers along with Ron Cox, designed the logo for the aquatic center. See if you can find all the innuendos, they did a fantastic job!
Spring and Summer 2020 – Phase II has begun and the finished product includes an asphalt parking lot, painted lines, islands, drainage swells, overflow parking, and light poles. This is an exciting piece of the project as it provides a visual of what is to come! The phase was smooth sailing and we couldn’t thank our design team and construction crew enough for all their hard work in seeing this phase through!
February 2020 – The Board approved to move forward with Bid Package Phase II – Sitework. The scope of work includes clear and grub of site, storm drainage including swales, concrete, asphalt, gravel parking lot, and more.
January 2020 – Wow, welcome the New Year, 2020!! It’s been a long road for WECRD (as you all are aware) but we are plugging away to make this aquatic facility a reality for all of Mountain Home and surrounding areas to enjoy! We have had some obstacles through the years but that won’t discourage us from pushing ahead. The Board met with the design team on 1/14/2020 to discuss our next steps. The major obstacle the Board faces is money. With no partnership opportunities, and small grants and donations trickling in, the majority of income is from the tax revenue WECRD receives. So the Board is looking at other ways to scale back the project to fit closer to the budget. Stay tuned on what will transpire. In the meantime, plan to attend our fundraiser luncheon on February 22, 2020 at 12:30pm at North Elementary.
December 2019 – The Donation of Labor Bid that went out in November was for the Innovated Readiness Training (IRT) Program that WECRD is trying to get with the National Guard to help erect the Sprung Structure and possibly work on certain components withing the building. They require a “non-compete” with local businesses so we advertised and followed their requirements. There were no proposals received by WECRD. (More information on the IRT program can be read in the minutes) In the meantime, construction was happening on the property this month and it was completed by December 21st. Thankful to have a mild winter to help move that along. The WECRD office was closed for the holidays and to spend time with their families.
November 2019 – The Western Elmore County Recreation District invites you to provide a donation of labor bid for Phase II of the Indoor Pool project. The scope of work includes HVAC, plumbing, electrical, building erection, civil, exterior improvements, CMU, doors, frames, and windows at the WECRD property located at 480 South 18th East in Mountain Home, Idaho. Sealed bids will be received at the WECRD office, located at 245 East 6th South, Mountain Home, Idaho until December 18, 2019 at 6:00PM, at which time bids will be publicly opened. No deposit is required to obtain bid documents. Bid documents including plans and specification required for bidding purposes are available or upon request by contacting Michelle Heins, WECRD Administrator at 208-580-2377.
October 2019 – WECRD received bids from Ytuarte and SunRoc for the scope of work in Phase I – Partial Site Work. Ytuarte bid out the sidewalk only and SunRoc bid the whole package. SunRoc came in $9,000 cheaper on the sidewalk estimate so the WECRD decided to go with them for the project. After further discussion with Wright Brothers (WB) the Board scaled back Phase I to not include; clear and grub of the site, cut/fill to subgrade, and off haul excess dirt. (Savings of approx. $144,000). SunRoc, WB, and WECRD went into contract for the services of sidewalk, extension of utility lines, pedestrian ramps, and site work on the first 40 yards of the property. They estimated this project would be complete by December 21, 2019 (weather permitting).
September 2019 – The WECRD decided at the August Board Meeting to go ahead with starting construction on the site. The bid package is for Phase I Partial Site Work and includes clear and grub of site, extend utilities into site, scrape and rough grade of site, sidewalk prep and concrete for sidewalk. Bids will be accepted until 6pm on October 2nd at the WECRD office.
July/August 2019 – The Summer is in full swing! Hopefully everyone is getting out and recreating in this beautiful area! WECRD has been busy presenting to local organizations to get the word out about the pool facility. Director, Lee Pierce and staff have been researching and spending hours on the Maintenance and Operation budget for the facility. We applaud Lee for his efforts as this is a difficult task since there is no other facility like this to get numbers from. The construction documents are 100% complete and LCA and Wright Brothers are waiting on our approval to begin the bid process. Lee checked on the building permit process and suggested the Board wait on applying until we are closer to being ready to begin construction. The Board will have a table at Air Force Appreciation Day to showcase the final renderings of the pool and answer questions the community might have.
June 2019 – The Board of Directors met with the design team to go over the final construction documents. The total cost for the project is estimated at $8.2 million. The WECRD has approximately $4 million allocated to the project so there will need to be grants and fundraisers to raise the additional funds. There is an alternate plan where the lap pool will be an additive alternate for bidding and will allow us to begin construction and if we raise the amount needed we can complete the project, otherwise only a portion of the building and one pool will be completed. The final construction documents should be ready in July and then with the guidance of Wright Brothers the Board will move to the next steps, permits and bidding.
April/May 2019 – During these last couple of months the design team has been working on the construction documents. Wright Brothers have been value engineering all components of the project to get a good budget number and the Board has been working on cutting costs. Final construction document should be complete soon and then the Board will work with Wright Brothers on the next step to begin construction.
March 2019 – WECRD has been busy getting the utility lines in the ground before the construction on 18th Street is complete. The Design team has been busy working out the final details of the facility. The Board will meet with the team again on April 3rd to go over changes. The Foundation has been busy researching grant possibilities as well as meeting with the Idaho State Senators for support.
February 28, 2019 – Scott Wendell with LCA and WECRD Board President Dan Gillies are filing the application with the City of Mountain Home for the Conditional Use Permit.The Hearing will be held April 1, 2019 at 6pm at City Hall.
February 22, 2019 – Design Development meeting with all parties involved. This meeting went over the mechanical systems, chemical systems, structural aspects, plumbing, electrical, pool systems, interior design work, and site updates. The WECRD Vice-President, Lee Pierce, has been working with the City of Mountain Home, LCA, Wright Brothers, and the civll engineers at The Land Group regarding the site. WECRD is rushing to get the sewer lines, gas line, water line, and communication line, in the ground before the 18th St. project is ready to pave that road. This is a cost savings to the WECRD even though its a little ahead of the construction timeline. Overall, the design plans are 80% complete and there are a few details to still work out, such as the filtration system that will be used.
January 8, 2019 – Interview day! WECRD interviewed ESI, The Ewing Company, and Wright Brothers for the Construction Manager / General Contractor for the indoor pool project. All three prospects were well qualified and brought their own uniqueness to the table. This made it very difficult for the Board of Directors to choose. They did however, make the decision, and voted to hire the Wright Brothers. We would like to thank LCA Architect for being there and asking questions and also providing feedback for the Board, they also brought updated plans, or I should say, refined plans. This is all becoming very real! Once the contract is signed they can provide WECRD with a project timeline and help finalize the design plans. Construction will hopefully be on target to begin this Spring. Stay tuned…
December 12, 2018 – WECRD Board, Staff, and community members met with LCA and WTI regarding the continuing progress of the pool facility plans. They had a civil engineer present about the landscape and site survey. This included discussions on the current water lines, fill dirt to comply with FEMA Base Flood Elevation, road access, parking lot and bus drop offs, sidewalks, storm drainage and water basin, sanitary sewerage and domestic water systems, as well as the low maintenance landscape plan with an automatic sprinkler system. LCA explained the various structural systems throughout the building, they also talked about the mechanical systems and electrical systems. They showed WECRD samples of interior finishes for flooring and public areas. WTI continued with the discussion on the pools and asked if there were any comments or suggestions. The Board asked about putting back in a warm up/cool down lane for swim meets. The cost associated with adding two lanes to the competition pool would be $300,000 and the cost to add it to the leisure pool was $150,000. The Board decided not to add the warm up/cool down lane and instead they would look at having tether swim straps. Otherwise, the pool design is great and the board is happy with the design. The next steps for LCA are to continue adjusting the design to fit the needs of the WECRD and the practical location of systems. WTI will look at adding the tether straps and show pictures of the play structure in the zero-depth entry. The WECRD next step is to hire a Construction Manager / General Contractor.
November 14, 2018 – WECRD Board, Staff, and the Foundation met at LCA Architects in Boise to discuss the schematic design plans. The presentation began with Nate explaining the new layout of the locker rooms, multi-purpose rooms, and storage space. Doug, with WTI, explained the pool design in further detail. He provided WECRD with three concepts of the leisure pool and the board made a decision on the concept they felt had the best flow for the space. WTI and LCA will continue refining the concept (takes approx. 2-3 weeks) and then they will meet with WECRD on December 12th to discuss the site plan.
October 23, 2018 – Water Technology Inc, and LCA Architects presented to the Board of Directors and staff about the indoor pool plans. The presentation included various features that the pools can have such as water geysers, water tables, ceiling water features, waterslide interaction features, etc. WECRD is beginning the ‘Schematic Phase’ of the pool design and with the guidance of LCA and WTI they will be able to finish the details of the plans. This process takes approximately 4-6 weeks to complete. These will be the plans that move forward to the construction phase. WECRD has decided to hire a Construction Manager/General Contractor for the construction process, the Request for Qualifications will be advertised October 31st and November 7th with them due by December 6, 2018.
October 3, 2018- Meeting with LCA Architects – The board signed the contract with LCA Architects. Our next step is to schedule a meeting with the pool consultant, engineers, and architects to work out the final details on the pool design. A ‘request for qualifications’ (RFQ) will be sent to publication once the board approves the type of RFQ they want to consider, (Lowest Bid vs. General Contractor/Construction Manager). This will be voted on at the next WECRD board meeting. The most exciting part of the meeting was when LCA said they are hopeful that construction can begin in Spring 2019.
September 5, 2018 – The WECRD Board approved LCA Architects proposal to be the architect firm for the indoor pool project. Next step, LCA will draft a contract of services for the board to approve.
August 2, 2018 – We are Requesting Proposals for Architectural and Engineering services in regard to a project to build an Indoor Pool Facility in Mountain Home, Idaho. Proposals are due back August 24, 2018.
Project Particulars:
We envision a multi-purpose and multi-generational indoor pool facility that is approximately 22,000 sq. ft., complete with a six lane competitive lap pool, a leisure pool which includes a zero-depth entry, lazy river, and general use pool, there is also a whirlpool/spa, waterslide, and splash pad area. Also included in this facility will be men and women locker rooms, multi-purpose community rooms, office space and storage.
The WECRD desires that the new indoor pool facility be planned, designed and built in a collaborative manner with community input and task force oversight. We wish to explore and implement opportunities for this to be a state-of-the art facility, incorporating a sprung building design, and sustainability and energy conservation concepts, if affordable on a life-cycle cost basis.
The WECRD requests demonstrated competence to: work within a specific design/construction budget, maximize the use of space for an indoor pool facility while providing optimal visual appeal. Additional discussion regarding the specifics and location of the facility, budgetary parameters, as well as the project timeline, will be available at the interviews.
July 18, 2018 – Presentation of plans from LCA Architects
June 25, 2018 – Meeting with LCA Architects and WTI, Inc.
They provided us with designs and costs associated with building an indoor pool. The different options would be a dome/bubble enclosure, Sprung Building, Metal/pre-fabricated building, and/or conventional build. With the funds WECRD has currently, the Sprung Building is our first option with a potential for a conventional build for office spaces, locker rooms, etc. LCA Architects will be at the July 18th Special Board Meeting with their design(s) to show us.
“Sprung designs high performance tensioned membrane structures that take only days to customize and weeks to build. Our innovative building solutions are engineered for total design flexibility, all-weather performance and strength, long term quality and cost-effectiveness. (”
Water Technology Inc. provided us with this great presentation of all the various pool options out there. Our goal is to provide the Mountain Home community with a multi-purpose and multi-generational pool facility. We will keep you informed on our progress. Contact WECRD if you have any questions.